Movie Nite

Movie Nite
Shan, Jay, Juliet and Karin

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I am Blessed

Everything and Nothing
More and less
Might and definite

Been sitting here in the December heat wondering why I am not feeling christmassy. Gee, its been a while since I last got that feeling...
What does it mean? Does it mean anything at all?
Right now my face book post reads, 'I am Blessed', to be honest with you - right now, I feel so privileged to be alive and well, sitting on my couch, doors and windows open, winds blowing in... I am as chilled as a cold beer that has just been pulled out of an ice drum at your average organised Zambian Kitchen Party...

This is my first blog as me, I have blogged under anonymous names that are only referred to; and known in my deeper, darker circles supposedly written by my alter egos... I am no Sasha Fierce but I try...

I guess its now time for my friends and relatives to see the real me... what really lurks underneath my calm exterior? Can't tell... I, like any other human subscribe to the descriptions; fluid, changing, dynamic...
As this blog climaxes, I will pose the question to my kith and kin - still love me??

I have been raised in Zambia,baptised in Zambia, educated in Zambia, lost my virginity in Zambia, and have since birth been breathing in this wholesome Zambian air. I love my country, I think its one of the most wonderful places any one would want to live. Zambians are warm and have this unquantifiable generosity of spirit that engulfs you with each breath that you take.
The weather is fantastic in its extremes, the sweltering heat of summer and the bone chilling winters... awesome! Honest, we only have two seasons - rainy and dry!

I don't see myself living any where else... I have a wonderful family and a circle of the most generous friends that any girl can ever hope for ... what else can I say except reiterate the cliche - "I am Blessed"

What is blessed you might ask? for me, being blessed simply means; being able to realise and know that everything that I am , every journey that I have undertaken from my birth, every circumstance that I have been through has lead me to this same exact spot where I am - here. sitting on my living room couch and musing about nothingness.

My passion for humanity makes me abhor any form of injustice... I am a soul on a journey with a guaranteed destination that resembles something out of a Belgian chocolate box. Need I say more?? Indeed, I am Blessed

" I am on a journey less travelled because few have known it for what it is"

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