Movie Nite

Movie Nite
Shan, Jay, Juliet and Karin

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

On The Matrix and Faith...

Faith is not trying to believe something regardless of the evidence. Faith is daring to do something regardless of the consequences.--Sherwood Eddy

The past couple of days, I have had the privilege of staying at home listening to Dr. Dyer and Marianne Williamson from the series "Advancing Your Faith'
What an awesome few days. In between the delirium and fever, I have found my vocation.

I have been trying to practice detachment and it’s been a serious curve! Man! The mystics are awesome, how can they do that!? I mean really? Be detached and concerned at the same time.
Anyhow, I will get there.

Right now, I have a dull headache that wants to turn into my reality but the possibility of finding my own authenticity – my voice, is currently more pressing than this murmer. I shall not be distracted. Despite this minor discomfort, I still marvel at the synchronicity of life.

What suddenly strikes me is just how much my life has been altered during these couple of days that I have sat alone in utter silence... Boy, have I changed!? I can now confidently affirm that the creator's voice is clearest at dawn.

I am not just skivving off work, I haven’t been well, something to do with Malaria, but then again, they say that dis -ease is the body/soul's way of telling you to stop. Stop;

Long enough to let go
Long enough to change
Long enough to listen
Long enough to forgive
Long enough to cry and say am sorry, please forgive me...
Long enough to say I love you...

” It’s the question that drives us” - thus spake the wise Morpheus to a bewildered Neo... in the sci – fi film, The Matrix.
Like Neo, I feel like I have just swallowed the red pill and I want to go back and like Neo, I can not fall back into the dark deep void of nothingness that I once believed to be my reality; a place dominated by fear, poverty, ignorance and disease.

This calls to mind the story of the children of Israel after the parting of the red sea, like the children of Israel, I have wandered the desert, painting pictures of Egypt and cussing Moses (or is it Morpheus?!) for bringing me this far.
(Moses and Morpheus are interchangeably used for my spirit guides who pushed me beyond what I perceived was my limit.)

The desert looms ahead and beyond lies the Promised Land but I cannot behold it because my pain body would rather die than take a leap of faith.

I swallow the red pill and I have faith. I shall tarry no longer for the promised land awaits… mine will not be the forty years that the children of Israel took to “get it.” I get now and with faith as my staff, I know that I am in the Promised Land. All I have to do is reach and drink from the fountains and rivers that flow with milk and honey, it’s my time.

I don't need to re-invent the wheel , the masters that go before me have already shown me the way and like my late mother would affirm through a Bemba proverb “Apatebeta Lesa, tapafuka chushi” So why sweat it?

Like many of the souls that go before me, I too, have, in my quest to find the answer overlooked the most precious and sacred place where I can find it, in me... My faith has been the one shield I have had against fear, like Neo in the Matrix, I am going to be that person who never has to dodge bullets in whatever form. Be it bullets of betrayal, hate, lies etc. I can’t be bothered. I am blessed.

My fascination with sci - fi stems from the knowledge that life is an illusion and you create your own realities based on the level of your faith.

My definition of Faith:
To have faith, it is to believe that you are infinitely ordained and prepared to make the trip that is life's journey.... for every challenge you face, the creator has already given you the tools to overcome, all you need to do is tap in.
Like an astronaut floating around in space - the mother ship has your back.
Faith to me now means, it’s alright Juliet... you can let go.

We all stumble and fall, sometimes, we lose direction in life, it’s a requirement. But the unwavering campus that connects our souls will ensures us safe passage. We are Safe...
Because of this guarantee, am assured that we are infinitely cherished, loved powerful and pure. We each have everything we require for the journey

In the silence of day, I have found my answer to the question of existence, the question that drives me…

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