Movie Nite

Movie Nite
Shan, Jay, Juliet and Karin

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Only by Grace...

When I first embarked on my worldly journey, I was fully covered. Floating in my mother’s womb, I had all that I needed for my journey and guess what? I didn’t need to lift a finger; my mother’s body had my back. I had everything I needed…
When I burst forth onto this planet (literally!) and during my formative years, I was totally dependent on my parents more so, on my mother and again, the same ring – my mother had my back, all I had to do was run back if I was happy or sad and all would be well, my parents would fix it for me… What bliss, having someone else who fixes it for you 24/7!

Things changed when I grew into my teens and early adulthood, all of a sudden, my parents didn’t know anything, I knew it all, I mean, what could they possibly know!?? I felt, I knew better than they did and I embarked on a required journey of self discovery and external influences disregarding my parents’ advice , when I got to my mid twenties, it hit me that mother did know best after all…

When we examine the journey of a soul on this earth, its quiet clear that from the start, you are fully equipped for the journey and yes, the creator does know best.
I reflect on the path that has been my life and marvel at the purity of all things that have come to me, I have been blessed simply because I am, this; without my having had to earn any of these blessings that have been showered upon me. This, despite the popular myth that you have to work for it, grace has followed me... and continues to.

For a while, I have been walking around like a radio without an antenna - detached from my radar and with the accompanying chaos! My connection to the mother ship has been scrambled. I have lost focus and concentrated on petty issues like office politics, salaries or the lack, material things (stuff) that all of us will leave behind. Finite resources that oh! Means so much!! Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with owning the finer things in life or making money but it just shouldn’t define you…
India Arie coined it in song, when she said, I am not my car, and I am not my hair… Indeed I too, am not my job, my name, my age, my salary… I am spirit, infinitely woven into the DNA of the universe. I can relax. I am exceptionally blessed.

What to me has been the hardest part of living a spiritual life, has been letting go, trusting and believing that it’s really alright, I can let go and the world will not FALL APART; that my soul has its own destiny and I will get to my appointed place whether I like it or not. My choices are only limited to how long it takes me to get there…But I will get there.
What fascinates me about humanity is that, the different stories of creation and the miracle of life that we witness everyday attest to the fact that, we are fully loved and infinitely cared for and as spirits that walk the earth, there should be no point when we say to the creator, alright dude, we’ll take it from here…

The story of the fall from grace in the bible in my view, represents humanity’s unwillingness to let the creator lead. If we examine all the problems that affect the world, we have devised our own little methods of trying to fix it, truth is, and we can not fix it. We can’t fix something that we did not design, more so that, we are not in possession of the blue prints of that design.
When we purchase something and it fails, we return the product to the manufacturer… we have all seen what happens if we decide to call in a corner mechanic. So, why go through all that drama and pain, when we can just return the product to the warranted manufacturer??
Humanity’s defects can only be healed or set right by the creator and the fascinating part is that; we find the creator exactly where he/she always is, inside of us. When we are challenged or triumphant we only need to look in wards because in there, lie our answers.

“Healing starts when you begin to detach your worth from external influences’

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